Culture PAC is a non-partisan political action committee formed to demonstrate the financial strength of the statewide cultural community to state and local policy makers.
The goal of the PAC is to raise significant contributions each election cycle.
Through campaign donations Culture PAC supports elected local and state officials, as well as candidates for local and state office, who are advocates for arts, science, and cultural institutions in Washington State.
Culture PAC provides a vehicle for us, speaking collectively as members of the arts, science and cultural communities, to demonstrate that we are engaged politically and can be counted on to offer financial assistance in increasingly costly campaigns.
Funds will be raised from executives, board members and employees of the members of Inspire Washington and from other parties, including corporations, who are interested in furthering access to our state’s cultural institutions.
Contributions from Culture PAC will be made to those elected officials and candidates for elected office who are supportive of activities that advance sustainable support for Science, Heritage and Arts Organizations in Washington State. Legislative Caucus organizations will also be eligible recipients for contributions from the PAC.
Decisions on who receives contributions will be made by the Culture PAC Directors based on recommendations from professional staff and consultants and contributors to the PAC.
Culture PAC