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Cultural Access Washington


Cultural Access Programs in Washington State

The Washington State legislature has granted county (and, in certain circumstances, municipal) governments the authority to create Cultural Access Programs. Revenue raised from a sales tax approved by local government can be used to enhance access to arts, science, and heritage organization activities as well as promote citizens' participation in their events and programs.

Cultural Access Programs also have a student education and access component that funds in-school arts, science, and heritage learning. The programs subsidize transportation for student field trips to arts and cultural institutions for museum exhibits, performances, instruction and workshops.

Cultural Access Programs were approved in Tacoma in 2018 and in King County in 2023.

Inspire Washington, the statewide advocacy organization for Washington's cultural sector, was instrumental in advancing the legislation in Olympia that gave local governments the authority to create Cultural Access Programs, and it worked with the King County Council to craft the ordinance that launched Doors Open -- King County's Cultural Access Program -- this year. 

Inspire Washington has also been actively engaged in promoting funding for cultural organizations through a variety of other state and local programs.

Culture PAC operates independently of Inspire Washington but indirectly supports advocacy on behalf of the cultural sector by contributing to the campaigns of candidates who are champions for the sector as well as by contributing to campaigns for ballot measures that sustain the sector’s health.


Your donation to Culture PAC is an investment in the continued vibrancy of Washington’s arts, science, heritage and other cultural organizations. Please join us!

Paid for By Culture PAC, PO Box 21961 Seattle, WA 98111

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